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Showing posts from June, 2008

Firefox 3.0, three out of eight million

Oh, the pangs of providing very popular software and challenging its users to download it as many times as possible.  Such is the situation with Mozilla and the rollout of its Firefox 3.0. With the costs associated with bandwidth consumption being a consideration for sites that provide downloads, and especially so for those that provide popular content and software, it's amazing that such a challenge was even considered—let alone publicized.  Regardless, the point is moot since Mozilla seems unable to keep up with the demand spawned by the company's invitation anyway. While I acknowledge and credit the organization with being able to keep up with the traffic it has by 11:00 AM EDT, my repeated attempts to download the browser have all ended in futility.  On some discussions I've read here and there users are reporting both success and failure.  Mine has been a case of repeated failure, as the closest I've come so far has been to fully load the main page at www.moz