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Showing posts from July, 2013

Boldness of social media foreseen since the 90s

By now everyone recognizes the " netiquette " phenomenon in today's social media-crazed world.  This being where people are brazen enough to say things about others that they would never have the bravura to say to the same people in person. In what might just be a case of being easily impressed, it's fascinating to see that author Daniel Kohanski was able to recognize this all the way back in 1998 when he wrote his book, The Philosophical Programmer:  Reflections on the Moth in the Machine . Sadly, in spite of having such an advanced notice of the issue, it's still a problem today.  Given modes such as Twitter , Facebook , instant messaging, and texting, combined with how many of us communicate using these channels, there's plenty of opportunity to quell the matter simply by not participating in the behavior.  But perhaps all these channels and the widespread use is what's perpetuating the problem.