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Showing posts from February, 2017

PHP built-in webserver and IPv6 addresses

Though it's difficult to confirm around the Web, it appears as though the IP address scheme the built-in PHP server uses depends on the host name that's provided.  If a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) is used, such as server.domain.tld, then the built-in server will be listening for IPv6 based requests.  If the server is started with an IPv4 address identified as the host, then it will naturally listen for IPv4 based requests. The closest to anything official around the Web was a comment in the PHP docs that only seeded this conclusion, at best.  But here it is in any case. Built-in web server Ultimately, the following answer from Stack Overflow held the "universal" solution.  Thank you dew010. Running PHP 5.4 built-in web server outside localhost Start your development server like: php -S