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Showing posts from May, 2013

Ubuntu Unity reports the battery level for Bluetooth devices

Users may notice that Unity under Ubuntu 13.04 reports two battery levels under the battery icon in the top bar.  At first, this seems like a bug with the battery reporting, but clicking one of the battery icons will open the Power Statistics application. The two batteries are listed here as well and the secret is realized when selecting between the two.  Notice that one probably indicates details that can be associated with the laptop's battery itself.  The other will probably be associated with a Bluetooth device. NOTE:  This behavior was not noticed prior to 13.04 but may well have been there.

Next and previous tabs key bindings in Eclipse

Oddly, the key bindings for switching between tabs by simply moving left and right across the tabs is missing in Eclipse .  The commands exist, but there are no key combinations assigned to them.  Fortunately, using the key binding system in Eclipse can fix this quite easily.  And as an added bonus easy-to-remember combinations don't even need to be re-assigned before doing so. Using Mac keys as the template, a good set of combinations might be: Option + Command + Left (move across the tabs to the left) Option + Command + Right (move across the tabs to the right) Translated to Linux -based and Windows systems, this would be: Alt + Control + Left Alt + Control + Right NOTE:  Using the Keys preference panel, search for the term "tab" to jump right to the command to make the key assignment easier. Perhaps more perplexing than having this capability and not assigning a key stroke to it is that the commands only seem to be available via the "Quick Acce

Force checkout a branch with git

Occasionally, and probably against better practice, it's necessary to force a checkout of branch.  Doing so, necessarily overwrites any changes in the currently checked-out branch, but so be it. Using git it's done like this: git checkout -f BRANCHNAME The "-f" part is the "force" option.  Using "--force" instead does the same thing. Why would one do this?  If for no other reason, than because it may just be easier to stomp on the changes in one branch than to resolve the conflict.